We live in the most advanced times but also the scariest for designers, where almost anything can be artificially made. We have been conditioned to think faster is better, but faster comes with a price when short cuts are taken to meet high demands and to increase capital gains; shorts cuts that not only destroy our environment but also put the lives of humans at risk.
"If we don't get our act together and come in commonality and understanding with the organism that sustain us today, not only will we destroy those organism, but we will destroy ourselves as well". - Neri Oxman
As a designer who sees how fast and wasteful the fashion industry can be, I strive to explore alternate ways with which to build and manufacture; that align with nature. I believe nature is our blueprint. Nature is full or organism is which materials do these complex things in the most efficient way. My collection explore growth as opposed to assembly. This collection focuses on the rebirth of nature after destruction occurs, using design components inspired by the natural life cycle and the destruction that occurs from corruption.

For my studies and drape exploration I deconstructed a suit, and articles of clothing that are most associated with those who work in corporate America. I chose to destruct the suit by slashing and cutting to symbolize the destruction corruption often leads us to. I then draped the destructed garments into organic forms, creating silhouettes that resemble and mimic the beauty of nature itself and the importance of looking to nature to inform structural design. and the rebirth of nature that we must enforce.

The epitome of ART, DESIGN, & ENGINEERING Oxman focuses on designing new materials for with and by nature. Neri Oxman's work redefines the relationship between matter and environment. Oxman believes if we are to survive, we must design our way out of the hole we've dug ourselves into. "THE ACR BEGINS WITH NATURE-INSPIRED DESIGN AND ENDS WITH DESIGN-INSPIRED NATURE."